
Additional resources

Youtube video: marxism by PhD researcher Rebecca Farnum
Youtube video: lecture on Marx's theory of class and exploitation from Yale's unit Foundations of Modern Social Thought by Prof. Iván Szelényi (if you're super interested in Marx, see also lectures on: his theory of alienation, historial materialism part 1 and part 2, and theory of history).
Youtube video: A brief introduction to Marxism
Youtube video: What is Marxism? (Karl Marx + Super Mario Bros.) – 8-Bit Philosophy
Website: Lecture on the fundamental tenets of Marxism (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
Website: key principles of Marxism (

Book: Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies
Youtube video: Owen Jones on Karl Marx and Marxism (asks whether Marxism is still relevant today)
Website: Notes on Ralph Miliband’s The State in Capitalist Society (Dr Charles Umney, University of Greenwich)
Youtube video: mini documentary on Ralph Miliband
The Guardian:  Ralph Miliband: six key ideas from his books
The Financial Times:  One and a half cheers for Ralph Miliband, the smart Marxist
The New Statesman: Who was Ralph Miliband?
Interview: Interview with Adam Przeworski conducted and edited by Gerardo L. Munck
Marxism Today: Interview with Nicos Poulantzas

Acton Institute Power Blog: How to Understand the Folk Marxism of Trump Supporters
New Statesman: Exclusive: John McDonnell named Lenin and Trotsky as his biggest influences in 2006
The Guardian: Like a good Marxist, Corbyn is securing his revolution from within
The Guardian: Greece elections: anti-austerity Syriza party sweeps to stunning victory
The Morning Star: Greece: Left-Wing Syriza Coalition Captures First Place In EU Election
The BBC: Greek compromise: How Syriza has had to change its plans
New Statesman: Si, we can! How the left-wing Podemos party is rattling the Spanish establishment
Reuters: Spain's Podemos rallies against Rajoy's state-of-nation speech
The BBC: Budget 2015: Election battle over spending cuts
The BBC: Budget 2015: Beer duty cut by 1p a pint for third year
Youtube: trailer for the Hunger Games

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